Thank you for shining your light for Safe Harbour
You can help us by being an advocate, donating clothing and other items in need or supporting us financially.
There are many ways to support Safe Harbour.
Start your own fundraising campaign to honour someone you love, celebrate your birthday or wedding, or simply challenge yourself! It takes just a few minutes to set up on the Canada Helps platform.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future!
Listen to the inspiring story of three brothers, Daniel, Noah and Liam Moran who started their own cookie bakery to support Safe Harbours Matt Program. Their mission is to make a difference in the lives of those battling homelessness and addiction. It all began the day they were grocery shopping with their dad and met someone in need.
The following is a list of our most critical needs at this time:
Charitable Registration #86196 2280 RR001